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Section 8 Company Registration: A Comprehensive Guide

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 Business Global,  Small Business

Registering a Section 8 company in India is a significant step for those wishing to operate a non-profit organization under the Companies Act, 2013. This detailed guide provides a step-by-step process to help you understand and navigate the registration procedures for a Section 8 company, highlighting the requirements, benefits, and key considerations involved.

What is a Section 8 Company?

A Section 8 company is a legal entity established for promoting non-profit objectives such as commerce, art, science, sports, education, research, social welfare, religion, charity, protection of the environment, or any such other objective. The profits, if any, and other income are applied towards promoting the stated objectives and are not distributed as dividends to its members. This designation comes under the Indian Companies Act, 2013, previously known as a Section 25 company under the Companies Act, 1956.

Key Features of Section 8 Companies

  • Non-profit Motive: The fundamental requirement for a Section 8 company is the intention to undertake only non-profit activities for the promotion of its objectives.
  • Government License: Section 8 companies require a special license from the Central Government, signifying that they are permitted to operate without the word ‘Limited’ or ‘Private Limited’ in their name.
  • Limited Liability: The liability of members is limited to the amount of money they contribute.
  • Separate Legal Entity: Like any other company, a Section 8 company is a separate legal entity from its members.

Steps for Registering a Section 8 Company

1. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

Before initiating the Section 8 Company registration process, all proposed directors of the company need to obtain their Digital Signature Certificates, which will be used to file the registration forms electronically.

2. Director Identification Number (DIN)

Each director needs a Director Identification Number (DIN), which can be applied for online by submitting personal information and supporting documents, including proof of identity and address.

3. Name Approval

The name of the company must be unique and should not be similar to any existing company or trademark. The name application is filed using the RUN (Reserve Unique Name) service of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) website.

4. License Application

An application for the license to operate as a Section 8 company must be filed using Form INC-12 to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. This application must be accompanied by:

  • The proposed Articles of Association (AoA) and Memorandum of Association (MoA).
  • A declaration confirming the application by a Chartered Accountant in practice or an advocate or by anyone who has prescribed the qualification according to the rules.
  • An estimate of the future annual income and expenditures of the company for the next three years, specifying the sources of the income and the objects of the expenditure.

5. Incorporation of the Company

Upon receiving the license, you can proceed with the incorporation of the company by filing SPICe Form INC-32 along with linked forms for DIN, AoA, and MoA.

Read: 12A and 80G Registration

6. PAN, TAN, and Other Compliances

Once the company is incorporated, it is necessary to apply for PAN and TAN. The company must also comply with statutory requirements such as appointing an auditor, filing annual returns, and other compliances as specified by the Companies Act, 2013.

Benefits of Registering a Section 8 Company

  • Tax Exemptions: Section 8 companies may be eligible for certain tax exemptions, particularly those related to nonprofit activities.
  • Public Funding: A Section 8 company can increase credibility among donors and stakeholders, facilitating easier access to grants and public funding.
  • No Minimum Capital Requirement: There is no minimum capital requirement for starting a Section 8 company, which makes it accessible for anyone who wishes to start a nonprofit organization.
  • Limited Liability Protection: Members’ personal assets are protected in the event of the company’s financial failure.

Key Considerations

While setting up a Section 8 company offers numerous benefits, it also requires strict compliance with regulatory requirements, including bookkeeping, audits, and other legal formalities. It is crucial to maintain transparency in operations and ensure that all activities align with the objectives outlined in the MoA and AoA.


Registering a Section 8 company is ideal for anyone looking to establish an organization focused on charitable or other nonprofit activities. With its distinct legal status, potential tax benefits, and ability to protect member’s liabilities, it provides a solid foundation for promoting charitable causes. However, it’s essential to approach the process with a clear understanding of the legal requirements and ongoing compliance obligations to ensure long-term success.

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